Designate sex for school-sponsored sports
This bill mandates that a student who participates in an athletic team or sport designated for girls must be female, based on biological sex as designated at birth, thereby banning trans girls from...
Legislative advocacy is a critical part of the ACLU of Alaska’s work to defend and advance the civil liberties and civil rights of Alaskans. During the 34th Alaska Legislative Session, we’re monitoring a wide range of issues and work, from voting and elections to criminal legal reform and LGBTQIA2S+ rights. To learn more about what we’re watching in session, click here.
We educate legislators about ACLU of Alaska positions, draft legislation on priority issues, lobby and testify on bills affecting civil liberties, work in coalition, and are newly tapping into Alaska’s grassroots power to push for positive change and take on defensive battles in Juneau.
This bill mandates that a student who participates in an athletic team or sport designated for girls must be female, based on biological sex as designated at birth, thereby banning trans girls from...
This bill amends the composition and requirements of the board of parole in Alaska. It increases the number of board members from five to seven and limits them to a maximum of two five-year terms. It also...
This legislation would establish a statewide tracking system for sexual assault examination kits. It would allow survivors to privately track the status of their own kit and to receive automated...
HB 71, alongside its companion bill SB 74, would add a new crime for the "obstruction of public places." One would commit this new crime if one knowingly “obstructs or blocks a public place” by any means or...
This bill proposes to amend Alaska’s election laws. Similarly to SB 64 in the Senate, HB 43’s key provisions include establishing a ballot curing system, removing the witness signature requirement from...
This bill proposes amendments to Alaska’s election laws. Its key provisions include establishing a ballot curing system to avoid ballots being rejected due to easily fixable errors, removing the witness...