

Prison Project Intake Attorney


Prison Project



Doron Levine is the Prison Project Intake Attorney at the ACLU of Alaska. He joined the ACLU in January 2025 after three years of public criminal defense.

Doron grew up in New Jersey. He studied philosophy and mathematics at Yeshiva College and graduated from Harvard Law School in 2020. He moved to Alaska that summer to clerk for Judge Andrew Kleinfeld of the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. After clerking, he joined the Alaska Public Defender Agency as a trial attorney in the Palmer office. 

As a public defense attorney, Doron represented people accused of misdemeanor and felony crimes. He also defended incarcerated children in juvenile delinquency cases and patients in civil commitment hearings at Mat-Su Regional Hospital. These experiences motivated Doron to advocate for structural change in our approach to criminal justice.

Doron is lucky to live in the magnificent Mat-Su Valley. He enjoys floating the local rivers and lakes, exploring the ocean coast, snow machining, biking, meandering, and listening to good music in beautiful places.