Jordyn Chabotte


Mat-Su Organizer

E-mail address



Jordyn Chabotte joined the ACLU of Alaska team in February 2024 as the Mat-Su Organizer for the Queer and Trans Justice Program.  

Having lived in the Mat-Su Valley for most of their life, Jordyn is passionate about the land and people, finding friends and community in all sorts of places. For as long as they can remember, Jordyn has had a drive for community organizing, finding opportunities in school, church, and other local organizations throughout the years. Most recently, they have enjoyed their time volunteering in local performing arts theatres and writing groups—spaces where they can tap into their creativity and love of collaboration. 

Jordyn worked as a criminal case manager in the Alaska Court System from 2018-2020. Their time there, and the global shifts of the subsequent pandemic, showed them up close the systemic injustices at work in our society. They set themself to intentional listening and to educating themself on equity, anti-racism, and intersectionality. In 2020, they co-founded One to a Thousand, a small publishing company that focuses on sharing stories, through literature and art, from voices that have been invisiblized by the publishing industry.  

With an intersectionality-informed passion for community building, reduction of barriers, and cooperation for meaningful and effective progress, Jordyn hopes to give back to the community that raised them and help build the social infrastructure that the burgeoning Mat-Su Valley needs. Most of all, they hope to grow diverse and safe spaces full of respect and understanding in their community for all people, especially BIPOC, neurodivergent and disabled people, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people—people who, in the face of numerous injustices, continue to share their light with the world and fight for liberation for all. 

Outside of work and volunteering, Jordyn has earned their black belt in Shitō-ryū karate; is a voracious reader of a plethora of genres; authors short works of fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and poetry; and heaps affection onto their dog. They love animals & nature, their partner, sisters, and family (including chosen family), spicy food, and stories in all their forms.