You will need to show your signed voter ID card, or any other signed ID that will allow the election worker to verify your signature. Examples include your driver's license, military ID, Indian ID, fish and game license, state ID card, passport, or senior citizen ID card. A picture ID is not necessary.
You may also present one of the following forms of ID if it includes your name and current address:
- current utility bill or pay check
- government check or bank statement
- other government issued ID
After showing your ID, you will sign your name on the precinct register. When doing this, check the address that is listed. If your address is incorrect, tell the election worker and vote a questioned ballot. This will allow the Division of Elections to update your voter registration record with your correct address.
If you do not have an acceptable ID, you can get one from your local DMV.
If you do not have ID or your name does not appear on the precinct register, you must vote a questioned ballot.