Meghan Barker, Communications Director


Communications and Engagement Director

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Meghan Barker joined the ACLU of Alaska team in June 2023 as the Communications Director. She comes with a strong background in advocacy communications and organizing in Alaska, and has worked with people across the political spectrum to find consensus on high profile issues, largely in the conservation community. After a year as Communications Director, Meghan has transitioned to lead our advocacy work, and now serves at Communications and Engagement Director. 

Meghan came to the ACLU of Alaska from Trout Unlimited where she served as the Bristol Bay Program Manager for the past 4.5 years. She was a lead organizer of the sportfishing community during the permitting process for the formerly proposed Pebble mine, and organized Alaskans to tell President Trump to deny the permit for the mine in 2020. She led Save Bristol Bay campaign communication and built an online community of action takers that consistently supported efforts to permanently protect the Bristol Bay fishery. Previously, Meghan worked for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Homer, providing environmental education and communication support for the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. 

Meghan grew up in Oregon and Colorado, obtained degrees in Environmental Policy and Political Science from Luther College in Iowa, and spent time in Washington, D.C. and Utah before settling in her forever home state of Alaska. Outside of work, she can be found running and skiing Anchorage's trails or playing with her foster dogs.