Last month, our Queer and Trans Justice Program put on a Mat-Su Action Night focused on joy and visibility. We got together with community members to discuss the importance of visibility and joy as resistance, and to craft messages of love and belonging for the LGBTQIA2S+ community in the Mat-Su. Participants painted rocks with bright colors and supportive messages, designed their own buttons to wear and share, and created posters (see below!) that can be posted around our community.
Why do we need queer and trans joy and visibility?
In a place as large and widespread as Alaska, one of the biggest challenges we face while trying to build community and encourage community action is connecting with others. There are so many kind and supportive allies and LGBTQIA2S+ Alaskans, but with the distance and disconnect, it can be easy to feel alone.
Visibility is important in combatting that loneliness. Being visible as yourself- whether that be as a queer or trans person or as an ally- encourages those around you that they are not alone and they are safe. It also combats the idea that queer and trans people are unwelcome outsiders.
Joy performs a similar role. Amongst threats and attacks to LGBTQIA2S+ Alaskans and their rights, joy is a necessary act of resistance. Showing and creating opportunities for queer and trans joy counters the heaviness that comes from others attempting to remove our rights. Joy shows that queer and trans existence is not dependent on the swaying of politics; we exist, we have always existed, and regardless of attempts to legislate us out of the public eye, we will continue existing.
How you can show joy and visibility
We encourage all Alaskans to pursue joy and make your support and advocacy visible. To help you out, we're sharing posters made by us and other allies that you can print out and share in your community spaces.